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Many people have imagination when it comes to learning. One way to adults is by learning in a classroom, but the website offers an enjoyable and entertaining approach for children with minimal effort. Kids can learn about artistic expression, typing skills, science projects with paper airplanes, robotics, web art with code. The website offers a variety of different categories that include: ABCs, Animal Sounds & Pictures; Art & Craft; Astronomy; Babies & Kids Activities; Body Parts Zones; Brain Basics: 1cd-eBook It also includes topics such as: colors and shapes worktime exercises phonetic sounds for kids xyz numbers and counting dinosaurs dinosaurs 1cd interactive books pdf sheet music. The website also includes a dictionary, health and hygiene, holidays and festivals, Human body, how books work, interest stories. There are games available for science projects with paper airplanes on the website. Some of the activities on the website include: disc art - a great way to learn about angles and symmetry web art with code some of standards that children will be learning about in the classroom web design basics. Children can also learn about new technologies such as robotics by using robots that can show them how technology works in real life. The interaction will allow children to test their knowledge of critical thinking skills by putting together puzzles. They can also create their own comic strips, so they can learn how to draw, write and color. There are a variety of other activities on the site that will teach kids about science, society and history. It will help children learn more about the world around them by giving them a chance to get creative. "Smart junior 1 cd download""Smart junior 1 cd download" for students, parents and educators to download on the website It is designed for students between four and seven years of age, with simple step by step instructions to help them learn to read and navigate the internet safely without fear of bullying or social isolation, as well as providing a fun way for children to interact with each other online. The workshop will introduce children to: how to sign up and create a new account, find and use the search bar and chat feature. Note: Cd is not included, students must purchase CD separately. cfa1e77820